How to get thicker and longer eyelashes, Top Foods, eyelash growth, Home Remedies

How to get thicker and longer eyelashes, Top Foods, eyelash growth, Home Remedies

How to get thicker and longer eyelashes, Top Foods, eyelash growth, Home Remedies

Are you worried about your thin eyelashes or scanty growth? Well, you are not the only one. Many people want thicker eyelashes. They make a person’s eyes look even more beautiful and attractive.
Factors like genetics, age, certain medical conditions, a nutritional deficiency, an eye infection or hormonal changes in the body often contribute to thin eyelashes. Rubbing your eyes roughly and not removing eye makeup at the end of the day can also cause the delicate hairs of your lashes to fall out.
As proper routine care makes eyelashes healthier, this should be your first step to enjoy thicker lashes. You can also use some simple home remedies to promote thicker growth.
1. Castor Oil
The powerful follicle-stimulating and nourishing castor oil can help you enjoy lustrous and voluminous lashes. It also helps fight micro-organisms that hamper growth.
2. Olive Oil
Olive oil is a well-known natural remedy for thicker hair growth as well as eyelashes. This oil is rich in vitamin E and oleic acid that nourish and add volume to your eyelashes. It also helps keep the lashes dark.
3. Brush Your Eyelashes
Brushing your lashes can also help them grow. It will help get rid of dust and dirt particles to prevent clogged pores. Moreover, it will encourage blood circulation so that more nutrients reach the hair follicles.
4. Eyelid Massage
Massaging your eyelids promotes the growth of your eyelashes. It improves blood flow to the hair follicles, which means more nutrients reach the follicles. This stimulates hair growth and prevents thinning and breakage of your lashes.
5. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a wonderful home remedy that can help you get long, thick eyelashes. It contains several vitamins and nutrients that promote the growth of your lashes. Moreover, it helps keep your eyelashes moisturized.
6. Lemon Peels
You can also use lemon peels to add volume to your eyelashes. The peels are rich in vitamins C and B, folic acid and other nutrients that promote the growth of eyelashes. Also, when infused in olive or castor oil, they will help enhance the cleansing and stimulating properties of the oil.
7. Egg
The high protein in eggs can help create thicker and longer eyelashes. In addition, it contains biotin and B vitamins that play a major role in improving the overall texture of your lashes.
8. Green Tea
Green tea is another effective home remedy for longer, thicker eyelashes. It is rich in flavonoids that stimulate the growth of your lashes.
9. Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is rich in protein and essential fats that can help you enjoy thicker, longer eyelashes. It will also add a beautiful shine to your lashes.
10. Proper Diet
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is another important step to enjoy thick eyelashes. Just like the hair on your head, your lashes also need a good supply of vitamins and minerals to help them grow longer, thicker and stronger. Protein and vitamins A, B, C and E as well as iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and selenium are important for hair growth.

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