Natural Lash Growth Gel

Natural Lash Growth Gel

This is the only reason I have long lashes and they haven’t fallen out from mascara. I personally noticed a massive difference in how strong and long my lashes were in four days/a week but obviously this will vary from person to person.
Don’t expect your lashes to go super overnight and please don’t expect this to make your lashes look like falsies. This improves your lashes health, that dose not mean it will make them grow like bamboo :-)

I use it every night before i go to bed and sometimes before I apply mascara to give my lashes a protective base and It makes it sooooooo much easier to take the mascara off without pulling out your eyelashes. oh yea….and I wouldn’t recommend using this on your eyebrows or the problem wont be them growing……it will be STOPPING them growing!

And no I have never experienced any of the nasty side effects many eyelash growth products warn off with this. If anything I found the skin around my eyes loved the stuff and was always soft after using this.

Please don’t try any other alternatives other than the ones I have mentioned/listed as alternative. I recommend alternatives because I have used them as alternatives and haven’t experienced any side effects or funny reactions. Please don’t be stupid and try to turn into an instant chemist… me when I tell you eventually you will get a nasty mix.

I personally have used this up in three weeks to a month, I’ve never kept it for longer than than so I wouldn’t recommend keeping it for more than a month.

What I used:

-Vasaline (I bought mine in the 99p shop)

-Almond Oil (olive oil can be used as an alternative but I find that Almond oil is the better alternative as it isn’t so “heavy” or “greasy” and dose not smell like olive oil dose) You can find Almond oil in most herbal shops or supermarkets.

-Aloe Vera Gel –

-Castor Oil (you need to look primarily in Pharmacies for this one. I bought mine in Boot’s for around £2)

-Cheap Mascara or Eyebrow Gel (if you know where you can get the container just by itself even better:)

-Syringe (you can get this at a pharmacy or a art and craft store like Hobby Craft….or you just have to be very patient and spoon it in the tube)

Also just because the ingredients are natural dosen’t mean that you cant have a natural allergy to them. Some people are even allergic to things as natural as wheat and milk so don’t use any of the products unless you are sure you wont have some kind of reaction to it.
If you are not sure place a little bit of the product on the inside of your arm or behind your ear to see if you skin reacts to it. It there is no redness or swelling after 24 hours you should be fine. I’m assuming I don’t have to say no matter how healthy something is don’t stick it or get it in your eye :-)

(Just incase you wanted to know how each individual product affected the growth)

Vaseline- Works a. by holding the rest of the product together and b.because of it’s consistency it keeps the hair hydrated and provides a protective barrier against things such as dirt and cold.

Almond oil (Or olive oil) is a natural hair growth stimulant and has been used in the Arab and Indian culture for centuries for healthy strong hair.

Castor Oil- Personally I just know about this because my Grandma would always say that this helped lash grown (PLEASE NOTE I SAID LASH GROWTH NOT HAIR GROWTH!!! Don’t put this in your actual hair it’s too thick and will be a nightmare to get out)

Aloe Vera Gel- If this is applied just by its self it’s a bit too drying for the lashes and has the same effect as clear mascara but combined with the other ingredients it stops the mixture being too “oily”, helps hold the mixture together and is a natural regenerant (helps things heal)

Muisc is by Kevin MacLeod


Do you honestly think I’m going to waste my time and get a company to send me ALMOND OIL when I can just nick some from my mum? Get real!

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